Speaking at the [RE]LEARN 2020 Festival

von | Nov. 6, 2020 | Bildung, Systemwandel | 0 Kommentare

I was selected to talk at the [RE]LEARN – The Learning Innovation Festival 2020. My topic is

"Become the Author of Your Life with Natural Learning"

  • Firestarter-Talk and Q&A-Session Monday, Nov 9th, 2020, 17:00 CET
  • Workshop Monday, Nov 16th. 2020, 18:00 CET

Find all the Details here. The Firestarter-Talk is free. Tickets for participating in the whole festival can be purchased here.

German philosopher and former State Minister of Culture Julia Nida Rümelin made this quote in his Book „Der Akademisierungswahn“ (2014) about „being the author of your own life“. His critics in this book address especially a shift from the dual education system in Germany to a sometimes forced academic education. This leads to a lack of skilled workers and to „well educated“ students without practical knowledge and social skills.

Being the author of your own life means to write your own „book“, your special way. I will talk about the skills needed to do that and a school-setting to accomplish that. We realized it with Colearning Vienna.

You can watch the talk here:

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  1. Ferngesteuerte Bildung | landscaping - […] zu Ende gegangenen Bildungs-Festivals [RE]LEARN. Ich hatte das große Vergnügen dort auch als Speaker zu Wort kommen zu dürfen.…

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